Education through Ecological Restoration – Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture

Youth Programs

Programs offered by Tribal Colleges and UW System schools

This list is compiled by the Native Education Pathways partnership. If you would like to propose a program to be added to the list, contact

Please note: This section will be updated as information is made available.

Earth Partnership: Indigenous Arts and Sciences (UW-Madison)

Ages: 13-18 years

Program Description: 

Indigenous Arts and Sciences (IAS) is a collaboration with Native Nations throughout Wisconsin, rooted in the widely-held Native values of respect, relationship, reciprocity, and responsibility. Through work with youth, families, communities, and teachers, IAS addresses the need for culturally relevant learning experiences and career exploration in the context of environmental education.

IAS emphasizes community, place, and culture in approaches to ecological restoration, with the goal of “indigenizing” science (a phrase used by project advisor Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer). Indigenized restoration education involves connections to traditional seasonal practices and emphasizes learning from tribal elders. IAS involves year-round youth programs that support family-school-community connections.

Information Technology Academy (UW-Madison)

Offered in Lac du Flambeau, Oneida, and Madison communities

Ages: 14-18 years old

Dates: 2-week summer camp in June for Oneida students, 2-week summer camp in July for Lac du Flambeau students, 2-week summer camp in August for Madison students.

Type: Day camps. (One residential requirement — Senior Residential Experience for all rising seniors at UW-Madison in early August)

Program Description: 

In alignment with the UW-Madison’s Diversity Framework, Information Technology Academy (ITA) is a pre-college initiative with the goal of increasing enrollment rates of diverse students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ITA programs serve students in the communities of Madison, Lac du Flambeau and Oneida.

Through ITA, high school students build knowledge and skills with hands-on training, academic support, mentoring, leadership development, community service and internship opportunities. At the same time, the students’ communities benefit from greater access to technology and from the skills and experience gained by these future leaders.

Cost: No cost to admitted students. Find application information here.  

Single or Multi-Year Opportunity? Multi-year opportunity (grades 9-12 in Madison, grades 10-12 in Lac du Flambeau and Oneida)

Contact: Ron Jetty, 608-265-2408, and Chris Kilgour, 

More Info

See also:

National Summer Transportation Institute (Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College)

Ages: 7th, 8th and 9th grade

Dates: July 12th – July 22nd 9am – 3pm, Monday – Thursday

Deadline to apply: July 7th

Type: Day camp, in person following LCO tribe’s guidelines

Program Description: NSTI is a program funded by the Federal Highway Administration and Wisconsin Department of Transportation to expose youth to the transportation industry and related careers. Students receive science, technology, engineering, and math enrichment; complete hands-on projects; and tour transportation facilities.

Cost: No cost

Contact: Cali Quaderer, 715-634-4790 x137,

Register today!

STEPS for Girls (UW-Stout)

Ages: Girls between 6th and 7th grade in school (typically 12 years old)

Type: Residential Camp

Deadline to Apply: Contact program

Program Description: STEPS for Girls aims to build confidence in young women by structuring their participation in STEM-related activities. The hands-on activities and the high-energy environment are designed to inspire both confidence and enthusiasm.

Cost: $450-475/camper.  Registration cost waivers (full tuition covered) available for low-income (as determined by free/reduced lunch status) or minority campers.

Single or Multi-Year Opportunity?  Single-year opportunity for any one girl – offered each year, but only for girls between 6th  and 7th grade.

Contact:, 715-232-5510,

STEAM Experience Camp (UW-Stout)

Ages: Youth entering 9th – 12th grade

Dates: June 14-17, 2021

Type:  Virtual

Deadline to apply: contact program

Program Description: A combination of Art and Design and STEM programs offered at UW-Stout, for campers to choose from and learn in hands-on settings for creating or building their projects.

Cost: $150 

Single or Multi-Year Opportunity? This is an annual camp that started in 2016. It has grown with program offerings and number of campers. Campers are welcome to return each year that they are within the age range.

Contact: 715-232-2793

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