Mangrove forests are primary lines of defense for human communities and their critical infrastructure (i.e., main access roads, sanitary infrastructure). These ecosystems offer protection against powerful storms, coastal erosion and flood hazards that can severely impact human communities and local economies. Mangrove ecosystems also provide critical habitat for many species of animals and plants, some of which are threatened or endangered. In most parts of the world mangroves contribute fish, shellfish, building materials, and fuel wood to coastal communities. The sites in PR are no exception, as before the storms fish, oysters, clams, and crabs were collected as a subsidiary source of food for these often impoverished communities.
Latino Earth Partnership Teacher Workshop: May 13-15, 2022
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We invite teachers to come and learn the process and how to involve students in hands-on stewardship action at Secret-Spot Mangrove (Isabela) and Espinar Mangrove (Aguada).
Learn how to engage students in interdisciplinary restoration education program for restoring mangroves to protect the community.
Train the Trainer Workshop: March 12-13, 2022
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We invite community members, educators and students to attend a team leadership training to guide community volunteers in mangrove restoration.
Mangrove restoration to improve community response and protect coastal habitats from future extreme weather events.