Education through Ecological Restoration – Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture

Cheryl Bauer-Armstrong

Position title: Earth Partnership Director


Phone: 608-262-5264

Cheryl Bauer-Armstrong

Cheryl Bauer-Armstrong’s journey involving schools and communities in restoration education began at the UW-Madison Arboretum in 1994. Before joining the Earth Partnership team at the Arboretum, she designed native plantings and restorations in schoolyards, parklands, neighborhoods, and home landscapes. Since becoming director of Earth Partnership in 2006, she has led the effort in initiatives to address environmental justice, water stewardship, nature connectedness, equitable education, culturally-relevant pedagogy, and community-based conservation in 22 states and in Puerto Rico. Cheryl obtained her MS in Landscape Planning and Ecology from Harvard University and holds a BS focused on ecological restoration from UW-Madison.