Earth Partnership staff Cheryl Bauer-Armstrong and Dr. Maria Moreno collaborated with Dr. Robert Mayer with his staff from the University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla Vida Marina to plan and lead two Latino Earth Partnership Workshops …
GHI Article: Restoring mangroves in Puerto Rico supports human health and well-being
With a new coastal resilience grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), the University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla will work with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture (DPLA) to restore mangroves along the coast of Puerto Rico.
Catholic Multicultural Center sows seed for new prairie
The Catholic Multicultural Center, a longtime Latino Earth Partnership collaborator, has recently sown a new prairie planting adjacent to the Emmett Schulte Garden. This Madison Area Food Pantry Garden produces harvests that are delivered to …
LEP returns to Ecuador!
Earth Partnership recently returned from a teacher and youth institute at Lalo Loor Dry Forest preserve in Tabuga, Ecuador. This is the third Latino Earth Partnership teacher professional development in Tabuga. In addition to ecological …
ALBA Elementary’s playground: “A dream come true”
Educators from ALBA Elementary in Milwaukee share the story of their schoolyard: The new ALBA School playground can only be described as dream come true. ALBA Elementary School is a bilingual fine arts school with …