Education through Ecological Restoration – Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture

Pollinator Habitat Workshop at MN Ag-Tech Conference

Ag Ed teachers in Minnesota were abuzz about pollinators last month at the Minnesota Association for Environmental Education – MAEE conference in Saint Cloud, MN. Earth Partnership put on a two hour workshop introducing the Pollinator Habitat Guide, sponsored by the Sand County Foundation and Enel Green Power North America.

Teacher participants at MN Ag-Tech conference sit and stand around a table, examining and discussing winter plant specimens

Even on a frigid winter’s day, we had quite a bit of fun indoors. The group did Botany Bouquet (icebreaker activity with plant names), More or Less (concept mapping of the benefits of native pollinator habitat restoration), Species Selection, and a brief overview of site analysis and preparation. Many of the teachers in attendance are currently working on schoolyard habitat restorations or are planning on starting them in the near future.

Thanks to all who attended!

Teacher participants at MN Ag-Tech conference kneel on floor around "More or Less" activity cards describing potential benefits of habitat restoration